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Gail Kittleson


Words have always been comfort food for Gail Kittleson. After instructing expository writing and English as a Second Language, she began writing memoir.  Now, intrigued by the World War II era, Gail creates women’s historical fiction from her northern Iowa home and also facilitates writing workshops/retreats.

She and her husband, a retired Army chaplain, enjoy their grandchildren and in winter, Arizona’s Mogollon Rim Country. You can count on Gail’s heroines to ask honest questions, act with integrity, grow in faith, and face hardships with spunk.

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Historical fiction


“Garrit, a solid name—you have found a strong husband, daughter.” Mama’s blessing, spoken after their wedding vows and as clear as the stars above, allowed Meta to release her cares at last.

Born of solid German stock, Meta Tolzmann Rausch eyed the starry sphere above. Beside her, Garrit’s steady breathing relayed a message—safe in the hands of Providence. Oh, to embrace that truth! Already seven days to the western border of Iowa and then three more to meet the wagon train at Council Bluffs. And their trek had only begun.

Each day took them further away from home, with no return. As she floated between wakefulness and sleep, Garrit draped his arm around her. After long miles on the trail, his warmth soothed her aching muscles.

This man, strong as the oxen who would pull their wagon on the trail and as determined as the Union Army—this man she had wed.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”



Well-researched and gritty; the horrors of war are not sanitized, but in the end, hope, home, and justice have the final say. 

– 5-Star Customer Review


What have you done to me?  I never read books normally but since last writing to you I have read your 3 Women of the Heartland books!  I have just sat and read and been unable to put the books down!

– A British Reader

Also by Gail Kittleson

In Times Like These

December 7, 1941 – The Imperial Japanese Navy launched a surprise attack on the U.S. base at Pearl Harbor. The following day the United State declared war on the Empire of Japan. In Iowa, best friends Addie and Kate are embroiled in their own private wars. Kate’s pilot husband has gone Missing in Action, and Addie’s overbearing and controlling husband vents his rage on her. Somehow, these heroic Women of the Heartland must find a way to overcome the adversities of the war without, and the war within.

With Each New Dawn

Late Winter, 1943 – Addie Bledsoe and Kate Isaacs, best friends from Iowa, are embroiled in their own private battles.

In England, Kate grieves the loss of her pilot husband even as she awaits the birth of their child. Addie makes the dangerous trek across the ocean to be with her friend in her hour of need, much to her abusive husband’s ire.

Somehow, these heroic Women of the Heartland must find a way to overcome the adversities of the war without, and the war within.

A Purpose True

Secret Operations Executive (SOE) agent Kate Isaacs is tasked with providing essential radio communications with the Allies, while her guide, Domingo Ibarra, a Basque shepherd-turned-Resistance fighter, dedicates himself to avenging the destruction of his home and family.

All for the Cause

On April 9, 1942, Japanese artillery and aircraft, under the command of Lieutenant General Masaharu Homma, began bombardment of Corregidor. Just prior to midnight on May 5, the Japanese landed at Corregidor’s North Point. By noon the following day, Homma’s assault force reached the base of Malinta Hill, the final defensive position of United States and Filipino forces.


The Food That Held the World Together

Because of wartime rationing, World War II folks faced fresh challenges to feed their families. The thought of running out of food or not being able to make ends meet led to great effort-many of these citizens had not so long ago survived the hunger of the Great Depression.

A World War II Holiday Scrapbook

From the moment President Roosevelt announced the Pearl Harbor attack, every corner of the nation experienced change. In little towns all across this great land, families said good-bye to sons and daughters as they went off to a brutal war. Many believed that, with America’s involvement, the war would be over by the next Christmas.

Kiss Me Once Again

No one ever accused Glenora Carson of being a breathtaking beauty. Her talk, gangly figure and angular face are more solid midwestern stock than Hollywood glamour. But Joe liked her. He even told her, “You’re the one for me.” He gave her a locket with his picture inside, to remind her of him while he was away, serving his country on the U.S.S. Arizona.

Until Then

Riding in the backs of Army trucks across North Africa, throughout the Sicily campaign, up the boot of Italy, and northward through France into Germany, Dorothy Woebbeking served as a surgical nurse with the 11th Evacuation Hospital.

Secondhand Sunsets

The scripture Fred read at supper filtered back. The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, “Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee.” The day’s warmth still hovered, and with it, a sense that all was well. She hugged the message close. “Perhaps, after all, I am loved.”

Land That I Love

Set in the German Hill Country of Texas during World War II, Land That I Love is a sweeping literary novel of love and loss; friendship and animosity; fathers and sons; and coping during times of war and peace. Yet it is more than a love story. It is about the racism and bigotry that still exist in our world. As author Gail Kittleson’s characters struggle with the problems of everyday life, they teach us that we survive hard times by being good neighbors despite our differences and that hatred can be conquered by love, understanding and forgiveness.

Country Music’s Hidden Gem

Redd Stewart’s journey began as more than just another rags-to-riches story, but with an essential heritage of family love and music that would later shape him into one of the music world’s greatest ‘unsung heroes.’ His life inspired others to do better, to be better, to love unconditionally, and to share with others the blessing of God-given talent. 

A Mystery on Church Street

The world is at war and the outcome is anything but sure. In the heartland, communities like Caroline, Iowa, must bind together to support The Cause. As the war drags on, few families escape paying the untimate price. But the unity of this close-knit community is threatened by a violent death-a murder committed in the basement of the town’s beloved Church Street United Brethren. Everyone, including the congregation’s handsome new pastor, becomes a suspect.

The Winds of Change

World War II stole her only son, and sickness took her husband. Her daughters and grandchildren live far away. Little is left for Dottie Kyle beyond cooking and cleaning at the local boarding house and a small town life that allows her to slip into a predictable routine.

Love at the Lavender Farm

“Telegram, Ma’am. If you would sign right here, please.”
Since Gabe left, Lyra had wished for time to flee faster, and now it had brought her to this juncture. Suspended between what was and what would be, she faltered. A thousand thoughts waged war inside her head. A long breath. Another. The old couch covering, once soft velvet, scratched at my palm. This could not wait forever.
The tearing sounded too loud, as if her soul were being rent in two. She sucked in a breath and read: