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Marian Rizzo


Pulitzer Prize nominee in the field of journalism, Marian Rizzo has won numerous awards, including the New York Times Chairman’s Award and first place in the 2014 Amy Foundation Writing Awards. She worked for the Ocala Star-Banner Newspaper for 30 years and also wrote articles for the Ocala Gazette, Ocala Style Magazine, and Billy Graham’s Decision Magazine.

Several of Marian’s novels have won awards at Florida Christian Writers Conferences and Word Weavers International retreats. In 2018, her suspense novel, Muldovah, was a finalist in the Genesis competition at the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference. Two of her novels earned Amazon “Best Seller” status. Through Word Weavers International, she’s been able to hone her craft through interaction with other members.

Marian lives in Ocala, Florida, has two daughters, three grandchildren, and a dog named Buddy.

Featured Title

Road Trip

Contemporary Fiction

Ah, Spring Break! That annual rite of passage when thousands of winter-weary college students flock to Florida’s renowned beaches for two weeks of sun, sand, surf, and suds, and perhaps a bit of shenanigans. There’s Panama City Beach, the Spring Break Capital of the World. Further south there is Miami, with its glitz and glamor and shopping. Or South Beach, where the party never ends.

But for three poor college students who actually live in Florida, the idea of ditching the state altogether and heading west for an epic road trip is too enthralling to pass up.

Charlie, Jamal, and Sean have it all figured out. If they take one car, scrimp on meals, and take advantage of relatives along the road, they can make it to San Diego, California and back home to Gainesville, Florida in two weeks on $300 each.

3 friends.
$300 Each.
3,000 Miles.
1 Car.

What could possibly go wrong?


Marian Rizzo is a gifted storyteller, whether it be for news reporting or fiction. She has a keen eye and ear from the intricacies of a story, which translates into very powerful narratives. Marian can turn the mundane into the magnificent through the masterful weaving of character, context, and scene-setting.

– Susan Smiley-Height, Long-time News editor

Also by Marian Rizzo

The House on Maple Street

Gram had died and left Frannie the house on Maple Street.

Frannie would have to return to her home town, fix up the old house, and sell it before she could move on with her life.But Cittadina exerted an unexpected pull on Frannie, and Gram’s final bequest provided answers to questions long buried which uncovered Frannie’s heart.

Angela’s Treasures

Dorothy glides past me with an armload of my stuff. She doesn’t pause to ask my opinion, just tosses my personal things into whatever box fits her whim. Or she feeds my precious treasures into the trashcan. Then she moves on as if I’m not even here. As each item leaves my daughter’s hand, I travel back to another time and place.


The first patients arrived: Numbers One and Number Two – the impersonal numbering system designed to keep the staff from getting emotionally involved. If the project continued longer than planned, there would be no hope for Numbers One and Two, or for any of the other unsuspecting test subjects who might stumble into Muldovah.

In Search of the Beloved

“It’s a simple assignment, really, with some long distance travel involved. You’ll fly to Ephesus and spend a couple of days doing on-site research, then you’ll head to the Isle of Patmos.”

Julie bit her lower lip. “The island where the Apostle John was supposed to have been exiled? Why?”

“There have been reports from credible witnesses that John might still be there waiting for Jesus to return. I want you to find him.”

In Search of Felicity

Julie Peters could barely contain the heady euphoria that enveloped her. She was newly engaged to Mark, the love of her life. Her human interest news story had been picked up by Great Destinations Magazine, and an incredible job offer followed. Now, she found herself on assignment in Cross Creek, Florida, walking in the footstep of her literary heroine, American novelist Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings.


March 4, 1918

An army cook at Fort Riley, Kansas, reported to the infirmary with a temperature of 103.1 F.
Within two days another 521 men became sick. It is one of the first recorded outbreaks of what came to be known as the Spanish flu.
Living in the country, we fared better than those who lived in crowded conditions in the big cities. You might say we lived in our own little Shangri-La. But at last the plague of 1918 found us too.

The Leper

Eleazar followed his father along the narrow trail from one level to the next. They moved beyond the grassy hillside onto the rocky path, descended to the valley below, then rose to the three peaks of the Mount of Olives.

Eleazar tried to suppress the surge of excitement. He took a deep breath, inhaled the mix of nature, and looked ahead with anticipation. He knew this place, had eyed it from a distance. The miserable ones lived there. His mother’s warning came back to him. He would sacrifice his own family to help the forbidden ones.

The forbidden ones. A chill ran through him. He looked with trepidation at the row of caves. It was too late to turn back.

The Legacy of Mrs. Cunningham

Adele Cunningham had died. And she had lived. Two hours of personal testimonies proved as much. Multiple individuals stepped up to the pulpit to share what Mrs. Cunningham had done for them, either through prayers or through advice. The truth was, Adele Cunningham left a legacy that would never die.

Presence in the Pew

“How do you feel about demonic activity? Do you think it’s real, or fantasy?”
Mitch thought it a strange queston. He narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean?”
“I mean do you believe in another realm, even though you can’t see it?”
“I don’t know what you’re driving at, Mister Garby.”
“I’m asking you is, are you prepared to do battle with the devil himself, if necessary?”

O Holy Night

We sing the lyrics. We love the music. But are we merely mouthing empty words and vain repetitions? Are we just humming the tune? Or do we honestly think about the underlying message?

In the Boat with Jesus

Israel is unfamiliar territory to many people. Few have tread upon the rocky wilderness of Judea or dipped their toes in the Jordan. Few have witnessed the sun rising behind the mountains of Moab or plucked an olive from a gnarled tree in the garden. Few have camped out under the star-filled sky that spread its arms of welcome to angels on that holy night more than 2,000 years ago.
Author Marian Rizzo invites you to travel beyond the pages of this book into the very presence of Jesus.

Silver Springs

Silver Springs, located in central Florida, is perhaps the best known natural artesian spring in the world. A grand natural wonder of the world on par with Niagara Falls or the mighty Mississippi River. Easily the largest spring in the world, Silver Springs boasts long-term average measured flows of more than 500 million gallons per day.