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Katie’s Plain Regret

Katie’s Plain Regret

“I’m Katie Knepp from Gasthof Village. I’m headed south. For Texas.”

The stranger dropped his hands, allowing his duster to flip back over the silver devils. He stepped down the little hill toward them.

“I never yet killed a man that didn’t need killin’.”

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About the Book

“I’m Katie Knepp from Gasthof Village. I’m headed south. For Texas.

”Peter turned to face the man who still shrouded him in his massive shadow. Katie watched as the stranger on the little hill lifted his hand to his mouth and plucked a cigarette from his lips. The breeze fluttered his coat as he stood unmoving, staring at them. The pair of pistols that hung on his hips caught the sun and shone out, making Katie squint against the blinding metallic glare.

Silver devils, Katie thought. Someone once described pistols like that as silver devils. She let her gaze travel up the man and focus on his cold, staring eyes. And now I understand why.

“Are you going to kill us,” Katie breathed. The stranger dropped his hands, allowing his duster to flip back over the silver devils. He stepped down the little hill toward them.

“I never yet killed a man that didn’t need killin’.”

Author: Sara Harris
Series: Amish Journies, Book 1
Genres: Christian Fiction, Fiction, Historical Fiction, Romance
Tag: Recommended Books
Publisher: WordCrafts Press
Publication Year: 2019
Format: hardback, trade paperback
Length: 178 pages
ISBN: 9781948679800

List Price: $13.99 - $26.99
eBook Price: $5.99
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