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On Earth as it is In Heaven

On Earth as it is In Heaven

What do you do when you believe and teach healing, and then you become sick?

If you’re Rodney Boyd, you consider your trip to the hospital as research for you book on healing.

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About the Book

June 15, 2017, started like any other day for author and Bible teacher, Rodney Boyd. He drank a little coffee, checked Facebook, read the Bible, kissed his wife goodbye as she left for work—just another day.

Except that it wasn’t just another day.

It was the day Rodney was hit by a cerebellar stroke.

Ironically, Rodney was in the middle of writing a book on healing called On Earth as it is In Heaven. Which raises an interesting question. What do you do when you believe and teach healing, and then you become sick? If you’re Rodney Boyd, you consider your trip to the hospital as research for you book on healing.

This is his story.

Author: Rodney Boyd
Genres: Bible Study, Christian Living, Memoir, Non-Fiction, Prayer
Tag: Recommended Books
Publisher: WordCrafts Press
Publication Year: 2020
Format: trade paperback
Length: 163 pages
ASIN: B085278XM3
ISBN: 9781948679909

List Price: $14.99
eBook Price: $5.99
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