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The Rose and the Whip

The Rose and the Whip

Lidia Wardell walked naked through the Newbury meeting house.

She was prosecuted, and publicly whipped for this crime.

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About the Book

Lidia Wardell walked naked through the Newbury meeting house. She was prosecuted, and publicly whipped for this crime.This event is common historical knowledge.
The Rose and the Whip is set in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in May 1663, but tells the entire story of systematic persecution of dissenters, by dissenters. Lidia relates the story of her life, and the series of events that culminated in her decision to take this action in protest of the Puritan community leaders’ treatment of Quakers. As she is charged, sentenced, and tied to the whipping post, then subsequently thrashed with twenty or thirty lashes, she critically examines each of these events and reflects on how they served to transform her and her perspectives on truth and faith.

Author: Jae Hodges
Genres: Fiction, Historical Fiction, Women's Fiction
Tag: Recommended Books
Publisher: WordCrafts Press
Publication Year: 2020
Format: hardback, trade paperback
Length: 286 pages
ISBN: 9781952474057

List Price: $16.99 - $31.99
eBook Price: $5.99
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