The Transference

There was a terrible verbal chanting.
Glatchka, Mondavka, Insinivicus.
The tattooed man laughed, and continued to puff on his cigarette. He blew a series of circles into the air and smiled.
Glatchka, Mondavka, Insinivicus.
The tattooed man laughed, and continued to puff on his cigarette. He blew a series of circles into the air and smiled.
There was a terrible verbal chanting.
Glatchka Mondavka Insinivicus
The tattooed man laughed, and continued to puff on his cigarette. He blew a series of circles into the air and smiled.
Glatchka Mondavka Insinivicus
He stood and walked over to the helpless victim, then folded his hands as if he were praying. He then raised them over his head and screamed.
Glatchka Mondavka Insinivicus
The officers gave a final warning, and before the tattooed man could thrust his hands down into the man’s chest. The officers fired, two shots each, center mass, just as they had been trained, ending the life of the tattooed man.
Glatchka Mondavka Insinivicus
A forgotten tribal language that Dr. Glavine discovered through his research. The good doctor had a crazy theory of what that meant-theories that, according to most of the team, were pulled from horror movies and works of fiction. They didn’t happen in small cities on the east coast.