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God’s Not Finished with Me Yet

God’s Not Finished with Me Yet

Sunday morning. Church as usual.

"Have you ever wrestled with God? I have," I declared.
My sermon was about the importance of being honest with yourself and sharing your struggles with others

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About the Book

Sunday morning. Church as usual.
The worship team finished singing, the offering was collected. Pastor Craft turned the service over to me. I ascended to the pulpit.
“Have you ever wrestled with God? I have,” I declared. My sermon was about the importance of being honest with yourself and sharing your struggles with others. I invited those who were proud of their deliverance to join me on the platform, but how could I reciprocate given my hidden proclivities? I felt the urging of the Holy Spirit to admit my own struggle. Confession was good for the soul, right? Yet, I continued to wrestle with God.
I can’t tell them, Lord. What will they think of me? How can I hurt them by exposing my shame? This will just kill them.
But the prompting of the Spirit was unmistakable… So I named the beast.

Author: Brian C. Johnson
Genres: Christian Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, Fiction
Tags: Amazon Bestseller, Recommended Books
Publisher: WordCrafts Press
Publication Year: 2023
Format: hardback, trade paperback
Length: 130 pages
ISBN: 9781957344720

List Price: $13.99 - $26.99
eBook Price: $5.99
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