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Thirty-One Secrets of Success

Thirty-One Secrets of Success

The Success Series Book 3

You can walk in the darkness, or you can walk in the light, but in my experience, you bang your shins more often when you walk in the darkness.

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About the Book

You can walk in the darkness, or you can walk in the light, but in my experience, you bang your shins more often when you walk in the darkness.
The secrets of success come from God’s wisdom, but this wisdom is not of this age nor of the rulers of this age. This wisdom, these secrets, are a mystery. Fortunately for us, God is the great revealer of mysteries and secrets. I try to walk in the things revealed.
The communication connection between God and humans is the spirit (little s, the human spirit) and the Holy Spirit (the Big S that dwells inside of us).
The bottom line is that we can have the mind of Christ and are able to receive understanding of the secrets and mysteries of God. I believe that God has revealed the Not So Secret Secrets Of Success to us to use in the natural world. Many people believe that if you want to be prosperous and successful, all you must do is think about it, have faith for it, speak it aloud, visualize it, and Bam! it will appear to you. While I don’t believe you can manipulate God into giving you whatever you want, I do believe that God has given us the power of choice. Through reading His Word, coming into agreement with His Word, and declaring His Word in our lives, we have the power to choose God’s will for our lives.
And God’s will is always for our best!

Author: Rodney Boyd
Series: The Success Trilogy, Book 3
Genres: Bible Study, Christian Living, Devotional, Non-Fiction
Tag: Recommended Books
Publisher: WordCrafts Press
Publication Year: 2024
Format: hardback, trade paperback
Length: 228 pages
ISBN: 9781962218634

List Price: $14.99 - $29.99
eBook Price: $5.99
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