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A Taste of the Apocalypse

A Taste of the Apocalypse

Chronicles of Jeremy Nash Volume 1

Meet Jeremy Nash, world-renowned debunker of myths, unraveler of conspiracy theories, and skeptic of the supernatural.

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About the Book

Meet Jeremy Nash, world-renowned debunker of myths, unraveler of conspiracy theories, and skeptic of the supernatural.
In a tale that reads like Indiana Jones on a National Treasure quest, Nash is drawn into a tangled web of deceit, skullduggery, political intrigue and religious coverups—all stemming from cryptic letter written in an ancient language from his long lost grandfather, that tells of a diary which reveals the location of the body of Christ!
Nash believes the letter to be the ramblings of an unhinged mind, but he is forced to pursue the claim when his sister is kidnapped by a religious cult that demands the diary for her life, and threatens to set into motion events that could lead to Armageddon.
From the deserts of New Mexico, to the Holy Land, across Europe, and back again, Jeremy Nash gets A Taste of the Apocalypse!

Author: Frank F. Fiore
Series: Chronicles of Jeremy Nash, Book 1
Genres: Contemporary Fiction, Fiction, Suspense
Tag: Recommended Books
Publisher: WordCrafts Press
Publication Year: 2024
Format: hardback; trade paperback
Length: 298 pages
ISBN: 9781962218733

List Price: $16.99 - $32.99
eBook Price: $5.99
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