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Crafting A Disciple

Crafting A Disciple

When Jesus issued what is now known as the Great Commission, it wasn’t a suggestion.

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About the Book

“Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations.”

When Jesus issued what is now known as the Great Commission, it wasn’t a suggestion – it was His final command to His disciples. Over the past 2,000 years the Church has gotten pretty good at getting people born again, but accepting Jesus Christ as your savior is not the same thing as being a disciple. Jesus- follower Don McCain points out this one particularly important, yet often overlooked spiritual truth:

Disciples are made, not born.

In bygone days, master craftsmen took apprentices under their mentorship. By consistent instruction, training, practice and oversight, the apprentice gradually grew into a master craftsperson in his or her own right.

Each of us are called to be both an apprentice and a master craftsman, for we all are in need of being crafted into the image of Christ, and we all have something to give to those coming behind us. In Crafting a Disciple, Don issues a call to community, to mentorship and to discipleship. If you heed the call, get ready to invest some time getting to know your Lord better. As Don says, “Disciples are made, not born.”

Author: Don McCain
Genres: Bible Study, Mentoring, Ministry, Non-Fiction
Tag: Recommended Books
Publisher: WordCrafts Press
Publication Year: 2014
Format: trade paperback
Length: 142
ISBN: 9780692249475

List Price: $12.99
eBook Price: $5.99
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