The third in a series that began Working Your Way Through Life and It Takes Two to Tangle, Created for Someone follows the pattern of breaking down a topic into multiple easy-to-read chapters with an expectation that the book would be read a little bit each day, although it could be read through in a single sitting.
Although designed primarily for married people (since they could begin applying these truths immediately to the marriage they are already in), Created for Someone is also appropriate for unmarried people, and several of the chapters were written with single people in view. It is also a good resource for people who expect to be married one day. It certainly doesn’t hurt to know what the Bible says before embark on the path to a marital relationship. In fact, most married people who learn helpful things about marriage wish they had learned it earlier than they did.
So whether you need some pre-marital counsel, assistance with a marriage on the rocks, or perhaps something in between, you’ll find solid foundational teaching within the pages of this book.