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How to Live a Maximized Life

How to Live a Maximized Life

You Can Live a Positive Lifestyle or You Can Live a Negative Lifestyle.

The Choice is Yours!


But Choose Wisely.

About the Book

There is no shortage of books that have been written about having a Positive Mental Attitude (P.M.A.), and how to be successful in your business, your marriage, with your finances, and in your life. Some people believe these books are only about how to “get rich quick.” Others say that the idea is more about thinking only positive thoughts, speaking only positive words, and doing only positive things, with the end result of producing a positive life.On the surface, that really does sound like a great way to live. Who doesn’t want to be healthy, wealthy, and wise. But without a relationship with God, those positive vibes will soon turn into negative vibes.

Make no mistake, there is an abundance of hucksters, charlatans, scam & flim-flam artists-some who claim to be Christians-who are out to make a quick buck off the gullible. But just because their are con artists and wolves in sheep’s clothing out there doesn’t mean everything being taught about working diligently to live a successful life and having a Positive Mental Attitude is all a sham. Indeed, there is much truth to be gleaned from such teaching. Bible teacher Rodney Lewis Boyd wrote this book to make sure that true believers in Jesus Christ, the Risen Savior, do not throw out the baby with the bathwater concerning true prosperity and true success.

Author: Rodney Boyd
Series: The Success Trilogy, Book 1
Genres: Business, Christian Living, Non-Fiction, Self Help
Tag: Recommended Books
Publisher: WordCrafts Press
Publication Year: 2021
Format: hardback, trade paperback
Length: 208 pages
ISBN: 9781952474651

List Price: $14.99 - $28.99
eBook Price: $5.99
Other Books in the "The Success Trilogy"
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