I Wish Someone Had Told Me

Exploring Essential Elements of the Christian Faith
We are God’s daughters, created with a fiery love burning inside of us for the One Who breathed life into us.
We are God’s daughters, created with a fiery love burning inside of us for the One Who breathed life into us.
“A deep and passionate pursuit. It is our calling as daughters of the Living God.”
We are God’s daughters, created with a fiery love burning inside of us for the One Who breathed life into us. We are the hungry, the pursuing, the passionate Bride of Christ, and we should live as nothing less. But how do we do that? There is just so much that we don’t know; so many questions we don’t even know to ask. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone had told us about the essential elements of the Christian faith way back at the beginning of our journeys? It might have helped us avoid a few spiritual potholes along the way.
I Wish Someone Had Told Me is a 10-week, in-depth Bible study, directed specifically toward women, but the concepts presented are equally beneficial to men. Popular Bible teacher Barbie Loflin unpacks such wonderfully practical notions as Falling Only Counts When You Do Not Get Up, and Satan’s Mind Games, while covering topics ranging from weakness to worship, and failure to faithfulness.
Poignant and laced with gentle humor, I Wish Someone Had Told Me is perfect for either group or individual Bible study.