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Pondering(s) Too

Pondering(s) Too

Thoughts on Kingdom Citizenship - Ministry of Reconciliation - Ambassadors for Christ - Channels of Grace

This is not a book of opinions.

You already have your own. You don't need mine.

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About the Book

This is not a book of opinions.

You already have your own. You don’t need mine.

Rather, it’s a collection of thoughts on subjects that I personally think are worth thinking about-core values of a sort. The intent of the content is to stir you to consider some certain things from another point of view than the one(s) you currently have.If reading it prompts you to think, then I’ve done my job. My goal is to make the data available for private and public pondering.

Author: Wayne Berry
Genres: Bible Study, Christian Living, Ministry, Non-Fiction
Tag: Recommended Books
Publisher: WordCrafts Press
Publication Year: 2019
Format: trade paperback
Length: 160 pages
ISBN: 9781948679350

List Price: $13.99
eBook Price: $5.99
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