Positioned for Transition

You will be challenged to press in deeper …and come up higher
Seasons of spiritual change are rarely easy. You’ve been there before. Things are moving in a forward direction, your feet are firmly planted in fair fields and you can just feel God directing your steps.
Life is good. The kids are not making you crazy. The ministry God has given you is flowing and you are actually making forward progress in the things of the Spirit.
Then, Bam! You wake up one morning and something has changed. That satisfied feeling which had been your constant companion is gone, is replaced by an inexplicable sense of frustration. You can’t put your finger on it, but you just know that God is up to something. You might feel the urge to bolt, but if your personal history with God has proven anything, it is that you cannot outrun the Hound of Heaven.
Positioned for Transition is more than just another Bible study. It is a guidebook for navigating the sometimes heady, sometimes mundane, and often confusing stages that every believer goes through when called to a higher purpose.