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A Kingdom Recalibration

Matthew 6:33, according to Jesus, contains what is to be the #1 priority for His disciples.
"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
This book is about that directive. Consider it a primer of a sort for those who are questing for God's kingdom.

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About the Book

Positioned near the middle of the discourse that presents the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount there are two verses upon which both narratives are hinged. According to Matthew 5:1, 2, the directives that Jesus gave took place in front of two groups of people: a crowd and His disciples. The crowd was likely within hearing distance when Jesus was speaking. However, the disciples moved from where they were to get closer to Him. When He spoke, His words were intended for anyone who heard them, but in specific, they were meant for His disciples. The narrative in Matthew 5, 6, and 7 was given as a charge to those who were following Him then. They are meant as a charge for those who are following Him today as well. The Key verse that unlocks everything He said in those chapters is found in Matthew 6:33.

According to Jesus, it contains what is to be the #1 priority for His disciples.

“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” ~Matthew 6:33

This book is about that directive. Consider it a primer of a sort for those who are questing for God’s kingdom.

Author: Wayne Berry
Genres: Bible Study, Christian Living, Mentoring, Non-Fiction
Tags: Amazon Bestseller, Recommended Books
Publisher: WordCrafts Press
Publication Year: 2022
Format: trade paperback
Length: 162 pages
ISBN: 9781957344317

List Price: $14.99
eBook Price: $5.99
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