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Shadows of the Past

Shadows of the Past

Xanica, a human kingdom, is an occupied nation of divided loyalties.

Conquered and now ruled by elves, Xanica is a powderkeg waiting for a spark to ignite rebellion; a rebellion the Resistance has been fomenting for years.

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About the Book

Xanica, a human kingdom, is an occupied nation of divided loyalties.

Conquered and now ruled by elves, Xanica is a powderkeg waiting for a spark to ignite rebellion; a rebellion the Resistance has been fomenting for years.

The Unbroken—the heroes of the Siege of Sternz—infiltrate Xanica to provide the spark that will unite the Xanican people to cast off the yoke of their elvish overlords.But Phyra Ophidian, the elven Governess of Xanica, stands in curious juxtaposition of traditional elvish rule. Instead of oppression, she has built the thriving metropolis of Bakea in the center of Xanica to bring all the people, both human and elf, together. As peaceful co-existence takes hold, many humans ponder whether willful submission to elvish rule might be a wiser course of action than rebellion.

Only one thing is certain. War is Coming.

Hanging in the balance is the fate of the four races of Aclia.

Author: Luther Salyers
Series: The Unbroken, Book 2
Genres: Fantasy, Fiction
Tag: Recommended Books
Publisher: WordCrafts Press
Publication Year: 2020
ASIN: B0855CDK13
ISBN: 9781948679893
List Price: $17.99 - $31.99
eBook Price: $5.99
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