Speaking & Hearing the Word of God

A Speech-Language Pathologist's Perspective
Speaking & Hearing the Word of God is designed to show how God’s Super can affect our Natural, and how our Natural can correlate with His Super.
Speaking & Hearing the Word of God is designed to show how God’s Super can affect our Natural, and how our Natural can correlate with His Super.
From 1993 until the present, author and Bible teacher Rodney Boyd has worked professionally as a Speech-Language Pathologist. His focus has been in the field of medical speech pathology, working primarily with adults who have language, cognitive, articulation, fluency, hearing and swallowing difficulties, among other challenges.
Boyd discovered a wonderful correlation between the physical processes involved with natural communication, and hearing and speaking the Word of God. And he realized the things that impede the physical process of speaking and hearing, were often the very things that hinder the spiritual process of speaking and hearing the Word of God.
Speaking & Hearing the Word of God is designed to show how God’s Super can affect our Natural, and how our Natural can correlate with His Super.