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Trusting God Through Testing Times

Trusting God Through Testing Times

A Journey Through James, Job and the Thessalonians

"In the World You Will Have Tribulation."

These words of Christ have never been more true!

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About the Book

“In the world you will have tribulation.”

These words of Christ have never been more true! Wars. Rumors of wars. Earthquakes. Tsunami. Political Upheaval. Financial collapse. Rampant wickedness, greed, selfishness. Moral decay on a scale not imaginable even a generation ago. We live in testing times.

The real question is: Are we mature enough to trust God through testing times, even as the world grows spiritually darker? Are we patient enough to wait for God’s deliverance, even when the storm rages around us? Are we prepared enough to walk through a crisis and not blame God for it? Have we considered that these “testing times” may not be designed to break us, but to purify us?

The books of James, Job, and 1 & 2 Thessalonians lay a foundation for dealing with life’s trials and tests:

  • James gives us practical advice for spiritual maturity
  • Job offers an incredible example of God’s sovereignty
  • Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians provide practical action steps for during times of persecution

The same Christ who acknowledges the inevitability of the world’s tribulations, also confidently declare, “Be of good cheer! I have overcome the world!” Because Christ has overcome, He has made you someone who overcomes as well.

Author: Jill Grossman
Genres: Bible Study, Non-Fiction
Tag: Recommended Books
Publisher: WordCrafts Press
Publication Year: 2017
Format: trade paperback
Length: 232 pages
ASIN: B075K577QX
ISBN: 9780998941691

List Price: $14.99
eBook Price: $5.99
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