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Until I Die

Until I Die

Our worship, our being about His business is for always - until we die.

So, I pen these reflections and tales of varying subjects and experiences, because I feel He designed me to do that. In worship of Him, I write...

Until I Die.

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About the Book

When I first started to write this book, the title, Until I Die, immediately sprang to mind.I liked it. The idea of continuing to write until I am unable to write because I have come to the end of my mortal life seemed a natural fit for someone who loves word crafting. And it seemed an appropriate followup to my last book, Rigors of the Call, for I have come to understand that not only is God’s call rigorous, it is forever. He created us to worship Him from the moment we are aware of His existence in our mortal form until we come into His presence in our heavenly one. What He purposes for us in our expressions of that worship is not something to pick up or put down whenever we feel like it. No, our worship, our being about His business is for always – until we die.

So, I pen these reflections and tales of varying subjects and experiences, because I feel He designed me to do that. In worship of Him, I write…

Until I Die.

Author: Beverly Clopton
Genres: Christian Living, Non-Fiction
Publisher: WordCrafts Press
Publication Year: 2023
Format: hardback, trade paperback
ISBN: 9781957344607
List Price: $13.99 - $26.99
eBook Price: $5.99
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