I was overjoyed to witness my husband and the other twenty-eight out of the initial sixty-eight recruits who had started the Police Academy together, being sworn in. With my rose colored glasses dangling from my face and the hard part behind us, or so I thought, we officially stepped into the first year of blue life.
As challenging as the Academy was for my husband and our family, it was the first year of living the blue life that was the ultimate rude awakening for me. Looking back, I can pinpoint that first year as the time I could have really benefited from having blue line sisters – wives of Officers who understood what I was experiencing; seasoned women who could tell me how to be a successful helpmate to my Law Enforcement husband.
Wives Behind the Blue shares the stories, advice and prayers of 18 wives of Law Enforcement officers, designed to provide encouragement and inspiration to those women who are called by God to stand behind the Thin Blue Line.